Dust Breeding
Conduit Arts Initiative, Melbourne 2014
Natalie Trofimiuk Daily Cell Layer 2014, Charcoal on paper 200 x 110cm
Natalie Trofimiuk Daily Cell Layer (detail) 2014
Natalie Trofimiuk Feuerwand 2014, Charcoal and pastel on paper, rug, mattress and pastel on board, 205 x 300cm (total size of composite of images)
Natalie Trofimiuk Installation view 2014, Dust Breeding
Natalie Trofimiuk Carnations 2014, Pastel, charcoal and spray paint on paper, 190 x 200cm (total size of composite of images)
Natalie Trofimiuk Carnations (detail), 2014
Natalie Trofimiuk Surface 2014 Pastel on paper on board, 31 x 36cm
all images © natalietrofimiuk